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Sunday, November 13, 2011

A New Beginning

It's been ages eh?
Been busy with lotsa stuff, school, additional exam.. or should I say, I'm too down to write..

Life's been good..
Finally found those guys and girls that makes my day, all the time..
One word to describe it 'Awesome'
It never crossed my mind that my life here can be this cool and fun..
Guess I am really lucky to know them..

I guess it's over.. the fever, the numbness, the dark days are finally over, though, I dare not say that it is gone entirely. All I can say is I'm done with it.. It's time to start afresh, to a new chapter..

Been thinking to change my blog to some short stories.. For someone who is not really good with words, that may seems too much.. But, I'll give it a try.. After all, it won't kill me.. Hope everyone can support me.. :)

Stay tuned..

Broken man.

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