Love, Who's never been in love? Everyone is searching out there to find that so-called 'happily ever after..' The question is 'Does it even exists?' It might exists, but how many people in this world manage to find that 'happily ever after'?? Do happily ever after occurs only when a prince meet a princess? How many of us out there is that so-called honorable, brave, and whatsoever fairytale prince? And how many of the girls out there is considered to be that perfect beauty, kind-hearted and whatsoever princess? Hmm, I wonder..
So, what exactly is love? And what is like? Do love and like differ? If it differs, in what way then? Love, such an easy words yet its meaning remain such a mystery..
Here's some saying that i find quite cool and interesting..

I kinda agree with that, what's meant to be and what's not meant to be.. Who knows?
But trust me.. What's your will be your, and what's not, no matter how u try to get it, it'll still not be yours.. And love is just like that..
Some of my friends discussed with me regarding love, and here's what i conclude from what we had to say..
"Love starts from like.. when you like that other person, affections and all sorts of human feeling will emerge.. through which you will try to make the other party feels how you feels toward them.. When mutual like occurs, that's when love is build.. that's when love happens.."

Who needs love then? The answer of course and without a doubt is that everyone needs love.. Who the hell in this world wants to be alone forever? Being alone is not a fun thing and it's perhaps the saddest things.. The isolation, the feeling of solitude.. It just ain't right.. All of us needs company, yes.. And that's what friends is all about.. Though, sadly to say.. How much company can a friend really give, anyway?? They've got what they need to do.. When you need company, not many friends are ready and available.. It's not that they're selfish or whatsoever but that's just the limitation..

Every fairytale begins with 'Once upon a time. . .' and eventually ends with '. . .and they live happily ever after.' And in reality 'Happily ever after is just so once upon a time' agree?? That's just how it is.. Even people who is in love, who's in a relationship or people who's married might not reached that happily ever after.. This is my story, my tale and my legend.. I've been in love a couple of time but i guess it's not a happily ever after after all.. And sadly, it's one sided.. though it should be give and take.. Moving on and now still in search of that happily ever after and that so-called princess.. My princess.. She doesn't need to be a princess.. cause i'm not a prince.. ^^ She just need to be herself.. My other half.. and i hope that at the end of my tale.. '. . .and they lived happily ever after.' will be written on it.

P.S. Let's strive for our happily ever after, my friends.. And for me, i think i've found that girl~ i just hope that this time round, it'll not be a one-sided game again.. And i really~~ hope that she would give me a slightest signal of what she's gotta say 'bout it.. I need that chance.. As for all my friends out there who has been hurt and has given up on love, please, get right back up.. We all need love.. Perhaps that's not meant to be.. What's meant to be is up ahead.. After all, what's meant to be will always find its way..