Have u ever been in a situation where the only way left for u to resolve it is to keep pushing forward and there's just no turning back?
Have u ever been in a situation where u don't have a choice? all u can do is to do it or u'll lose it or even worse..
Have u ever been in a situation where u simply wishes for something and yet u didn't even take the first step to accomplish it?
It's now or never.. we live in this world only once.. why waste ur time sitting around, doing nothing when u can start to take ur first step to live ur dreams of whatever it is ?

It's do or die.. when do is ur only surviving option, u just have to do it.. It's better to do and die with honor rather than wait and die without even trying, isn't it?
Lots of us, dream something.. and whatever it is, all that we can think of is how it's impossible and it only exists in fantasy.. perhaps, it's true,, but why not take a step to live it? however impossible it seems, if we try and put some efforts in it, i believe it'll result in something.. U may not achieve ur dream but i am sure u are one step closer to it..
Live life without regrets, my friend..
That's the happiest life that one can achieve..
P.S. I am going to start taking a first step to live my dream.. Let us strive for it.. A lil' bit progress to live ur dream is better than nothing and let it be a dying dreams, ain't it?

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