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Sunday, November 20, 2011


It's been three years since that day..
That sinful day, my biggest mistake, my nightmare..
5 life, almost gone just like that,
Still 'member it like it was yesterday..
It still haunts me whenever November is coming..
Even when my birth certificate date is on November, simply couldn't get myself to celebrate it.

The worry I brought to my family n friends..
The shame I brought to myself..
I need a better word..

There's just no words to describe them..

Forgiveness, I just don't deserve it, even when I was given the chance to live for a second time..
The guilt, the sorrow, the pain..
It just won't fade..
It'll remain, forever..
Deep down in my heart..

All I can do, is to live.. To reminisce it, let it be my fuel to fight.. To repay my friends deeds, and most importantly, my family..

God.. from the bottom of my heart, with sincerity, I pray..
Bless the family with happiness, protect them from all harms..


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