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Saturday, January 7, 2012

Balling Tragic

07 - 01 - 2012

Dear blog,

Nothing much today, I went to buy my parent's stuff and went home straight after.
The feeling of balling suddenly came across my mind, and I asked Will to join.
Well, we played, but sadly, it's not my day, I really can't get myself to do my stuff.
All the matches we played were very very aggressive and it happened that one uncle roll his ankle while laying-up and the ankle broke, twisted, dislocated. It was disaster, I never saw an ankle dislocated like that and it sent the chill down my spine and scared the hell out of me. We called it a day after that, watching other philippine fellas played while reminiscing and deciding on changing the way I play.

Had a great dinner though, the famous boon tong kee chicken rice. It's damn good.

In all sincerity,

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