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Monday, January 16, 2012

Blue Monday

16 - 01 - 2012

Dear Blog,

It's monday, where everyone feels blue and down to go back to the daily routine. Lucky for me as I still haven't feel the blueness of it. Woke up around 8:30, took a shower and went to my parent's jewelry shop. Had a breakfast at one of the indonesian cuisine stall, it's still good, at least I rarely find one stall in Singapore that can compare to it.

Realized that I actually can count money quite fast, consider that I didn't really pay much attention on learning how to count money. :p Guess I have some hidden talent in me, huh? =D

Well, afternoon passed and I went back home early, took a forty winks and it's dinner time. A great meal, home-cooked by my dearest mother. :)

And here I am, writing to you, my dear blog. Guess I'll watch the series: Game of Throne and turn in earlier. I've got a ball game tomorrow. Let's roll!!

In all sincerity,

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