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Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Smiley Mask

'I am strong..'
'Don't worry, i am fine..'
'It's/i'm alright.. really..'

These words can usually be heard when unfortunate things happened..
And i think sometimes these words are lies..

Sometimes people who said those words are actually the weakest person..
They are weak.. on the inside..
They fake a smile and say those words..
And yet tears fall within them..
They just don't wanna show their feelings..
They'd rather wore a mask of smiley..

Maybe they don't want others to worry about them,
Maybe they don't trust people as they had been deceived before,
Maybe they cannot share what their problem is,,
Maybe and just maybe.. there are just so many reasons..

But i respect those people who said those words..
I respect them..
Whatever reasons they have..
They must have their reasons..

Sometimes, people need time.. to be alone, to calm down.. to reminisce.. to recall.. to learn..
Sometimes people need supports, need opinions.. need help..

Understand them, respect them..
They deserve cares..

Nobody wants to be alone forever..
Everybody needs somebody..

Wearing a smiley mask is not an easy tasks..
And it doesn't feel good to actually wear one..

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