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Monday, June 14, 2010

Time Flies

Time really flies.
It's been 19 years since i was born to this world. I haven't done anything worthy to prove my existence yet. I am really looking forward to earning my first bucks, owning my own properties, owning my own cars, having a partner to share my life with. I hope this year would be different from the rest of the years. I wish i can earn my first bucks this year.
Time flies.

Time really flies.
My ten months diploma course will end soon. It will be farewell with my friends soon, i really appreciate all those times that we've spent together. I will never forget you guys and girls. I hope at any time in the future we will be able to meet up again and share our life's experiences. Whenever there's a meeting, there'll be farewell. Since we met, then we must prepare for the farewell.
Time flies.

Time really flies.
I have been through a lot this year, i excelled in my studies, i got great grade; i failed my exam as well. I learnt a lot, getting my pace back after failure is indeed the greatest challenge, i never thought that i can excel my studies as i was not a study material back in those days. Maybe i was too proud, maybe i was too careless, maybe i was too reckless; that's why i failed. It's a sign for me to improve myself, building a greater character out of me. God still loves me.
Time flies.

Time really flies.
It will never wait for us. It is up to us to make the most of it.
It can never be turned back. Opportunity comes only once, if you miss it, you will regret it.

Wise man uses time wisely, live your life like your last, never wait for things to happen as it will never happen without any reason. Make things happen, with your own strength, with your own hands with your own ability.

Time flies.
Don't wait till tomorrow what you can actually do today.

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