Little did I know, it's been around 5 months since I've decided to take the chances..
I was not alone, tagging along 4 amazing friends..
There's this one awesome guy, always positive, wise, hardworking and simply smart;
Another is damn hardworking, from the way I see it, he is the most hardworking guy, also smart.
Then there's these two brilliant girls, hardworking and adept.
Leaving me, who is damn lazy, always feel guilty whenever they are asking about how's the study going or whatsoever..
Anyway, time really flies, It ends on 4th December 2011, the big day.
After months of struggling, sacrifices, and hellish study, FINALLY, it all ended on yesterday.
Free, finally, though there's still two more exams to be handle on both this and the next Friday, where it should be TGIF.. I am not sure about whether the results are positive but I have tried my best and that's my best shots..
I believe the 5 of us have poured every inches of efforts in the studies. We may not pass, but we are a fighter; We fight for what we want and we fight till the end. The road was not easy, 5 books, 10 concepts, 240 questions, 6 hours of exam. We went through it. I am proud of them, and certainly proud of myself.
Learnt A lot during this distressing experience. It is just so valuable. Whatever the result it may turn out to be, it is all through hard works.
There's just no substitutes for hard work. You want it, you work into it. Plan it and work towards it, step by step. Stick to it and you are a real fighter. An individual worth to be respected.
It has finally ended..
It's about everything that goes through my mind.. It's about the hidden view.point.. It's about the dark truth.. It's all about mystery..
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Sunday, November 20, 2011
It's been three years since that day..
That sinful day, my biggest mistake, my nightmare..
5 life, almost gone just like that,
Still 'member it like it was yesterday..
It still haunts me whenever November is coming..
Even when my birth certificate date is on November, simply couldn't get myself to celebrate it.
The worry I brought to my family n friends..
The shame I brought to myself..
I need a better word..
There's just no words to describe them..
Forgiveness, I just don't deserve it, even when I was given the chance to live for a second time..
The guilt, the sorrow, the pain..
It just won't fade..
It'll remain, forever..
Deep down in my heart..
All I can do, is to live.. To reminisce it, let it be my fuel to fight.. To repay my friends deeds, and most importantly, my family..
God.. from the bottom of my heart, with sincerity, I pray..
Bless the family with happiness, protect them from all harms..
That sinful day, my biggest mistake, my nightmare..
5 life, almost gone just like that,
Still 'member it like it was yesterday..
It still haunts me whenever November is coming..
Even when my birth certificate date is on November, simply couldn't get myself to celebrate it.
The worry I brought to my family n friends..
The shame I brought to myself..
I need a better word..
There's just no words to describe them..
Forgiveness, I just don't deserve it, even when I was given the chance to live for a second time..
The guilt, the sorrow, the pain..
It just won't fade..
It'll remain, forever..
Deep down in my heart..
All I can do, is to live.. To reminisce it, let it be my fuel to fight.. To repay my friends deeds, and most importantly, my family..
God.. from the bottom of my heart, with sincerity, I pray..
Bless the family with happiness, protect them from all harms..
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Fateful Encounter
It was midnight, when it all begun;
I was grabbing some drinks in a local bar, alone, broken.
I was sipping the last drop of the liquor, and surprisingly I haven't lost my consciousness which I should.
Everything just seems empty, I was surrounded by lotsa folks drinking, flirting and most importantly having fun. Nothing seems to really catch my attention until it happened.
'Hey, sweetie, come here and have fun with us. You will have a great great time.' said a half-conscious punk. He was 6 feet tall, with muscular body covered with tattoos of skull-like along his strong arms. He had a piercings along both of his ears, and face. He grabbed the girl's hand and won't let go. In that table, sat two of the punk's friends. One is big, fat, black and seems strong like a bear; While the other is skinny, still muscular though, with a scar in his face. The scar that can only be made with a sharp objects. It seems that the girl is in trouble, and no one, not even a soul in that bar, attend to the matter. The girl is indeed a chick with body that is so perfect, so perfect that it occurs to me that such body can only be seen in TV shows. Without a second thought, I deduct that she is a model or something.
The girl was struggling to escape from the grip of that punk. As she was struggling, a man, finally, I saw a kind souls, a gents, got into the conversation and not more than a second, the intensity can be felt in the whole bar. The man was pushed back and punched by that punk. The other two guys join in the bully. As they are busy dealing with the man, the girl come to my seats. The punks saw it and confronted me. ''suupp, dude, who dya think you are, stealing my girl away?' I was speechless, I barely know that girl. 'Err, no, no, no. . .' As I was trying to come up with something,the girl responded 'He is my man.'
What? I am her man?
What on earth is she talking about?
Who the hell is she?
Why would she say that?
I was caught in a confusion, I barely know that girl, and now, I am the one who is caught up in this mess. Oh, god, what should I do? I'm gonna end up like the man, beaten up, broken. What a luck!!
I was grabbing some drinks in a local bar, alone, broken.
I was sipping the last drop of the liquor, and surprisingly I haven't lost my consciousness which I should.
Everything just seems empty, I was surrounded by lotsa folks drinking, flirting and most importantly having fun. Nothing seems to really catch my attention until it happened.
'Hey, sweetie, come here and have fun with us. You will have a great great time.' said a half-conscious punk. He was 6 feet tall, with muscular body covered with tattoos of skull-like along his strong arms. He had a piercings along both of his ears, and face. He grabbed the girl's hand and won't let go. In that table, sat two of the punk's friends. One is big, fat, black and seems strong like a bear; While the other is skinny, still muscular though, with a scar in his face. The scar that can only be made with a sharp objects. It seems that the girl is in trouble, and no one, not even a soul in that bar, attend to the matter. The girl is indeed a chick with body that is so perfect, so perfect that it occurs to me that such body can only be seen in TV shows. Without a second thought, I deduct that she is a model or something.
The girl was struggling to escape from the grip of that punk. As she was struggling, a man, finally, I saw a kind souls, a gents, got into the conversation and not more than a second, the intensity can be felt in the whole bar. The man was pushed back and punched by that punk. The other two guys join in the bully. As they are busy dealing with the man, the girl come to my seats. The punks saw it and confronted me. ''suupp, dude, who dya think you are, stealing my girl away?' I was speechless, I barely know that girl. 'Err, no, no, no. . .' As I was trying to come up with something,the girl responded 'He is my man.'
What? I am her man?
What on earth is she talking about?
Who the hell is she?
Why would she say that?
I was caught in a confusion, I barely know that girl, and now, I am the one who is caught up in this mess. Oh, god, what should I do? I'm gonna end up like the man, beaten up, broken. What a luck!!
Sunday, November 13, 2011
A New Beginning

It's been ages eh?
Been busy with lotsa stuff, school, additional exam.. or should I say, I'm too down to write..
Life's been good..
Finally found those guys and girls that makes my day, all the time..
One word to describe it 'Awesome'
It never crossed my mind that my life here can be this cool and fun..
Guess I am really lucky to know them..
I guess it's over.. the fever, the numbness, the dark days are finally over, though, I dare not say that it is gone entirely. All I can say is I'm done with it.. It's time to start afresh, to a new chapter..
Been thinking to change my blog to some short stories.. For someone who is not really good with words, that may seems too much.. But, I'll give it a try.. After all, it won't kill me.. Hope everyone can support me.. :)
Stay tuned..
Broken man.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Friday, 17 June '11, 12:17,
He was declared 'dead'..
Part of him died out in despair..
He ,who believes in fantasy,
He, who believes in happily ever after..
He, who believes that true love still exists..
He was found dead in a dark room with nothing but darkness..
Not even a single ray of light..
It's filled with blankness..
It's not the end though,
It's the beginning..
As one story ended, another story began..
It's a new age..
Where new story will be told..
He was declared 'dead'..
Part of him died out in despair..
He ,who believes in fantasy,
He, who believes in happily ever after..
He, who believes that true love still exists..
He was found dead in a dark room with nothing but darkness..
Not even a single ray of light..
It's filled with blankness..
It's not the end though,
It's the beginning..
As one story ended, another story began..
It's a new age..
Where new story will be told..
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
I dunno what to do.. what to expect.. what to believe in..
I guess winter comes again eh? and right now it feels so empty, so blank and so dark..
It was so good in the summer when i thought that i would finally have my fantasy.. Because this time.. it seems so real.. so close.. so true..
Funny how i felt that way..
It was one hell of a ride i guess..
and now.. memories, are all that i have..
Luckily, i have great friends,, being with me, bear with me, listen to me, and talk to me.. thank you.. from the deepest of my heart..

Interestingly, there is this one guy, he told me that i have one last coin.. one more chance.. and how will i spend it? what's it gonna be? honestly.. i dunno, i'm lost~
Well, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.. perhaps..
For sure, it didn't kill me.. and the way i see it, i have grown.. a better man..
It's just that i still couldn't find the me in me..
This chapter's done and the story must still goes on..
Sunday, April 24, 2011
It was only just a dream

If everything is just a dream, I hope fate has never even brought you and me together.. I hope I've never attracted to you.. I hope you'd not have given me everything.. But it's now too late for that, I've come too deep into you.. If time is what you need, if holding on to him is what you want and if his love is all you know.. I'll respect that..

Friday, February 25, 2011
If it's meant to be, it will be..

So, what exactly is love? And what is like? Do love and like differ? If it differs, in what way then? Love, such an easy words yet its meaning remain such a mystery..
Here's some saying that i find quite cool and interesting..

I kinda agree with that, what's meant to be and what's not meant to be.. Who knows?
But trust me.. What's your will be your, and what's not, no matter how u try to get it, it'll still not be yours.. And love is just like that..
Some of my friends discussed with me regarding love, and here's what i conclude from what we had to say..
"Love starts from like.. when you like that other person, affections and all sorts of human feeling will emerge.. through which you will try to make the other party feels how you feels toward them.. When mutual like occurs, that's when love is build.. that's when love happens.."

P.S. Let's strive for our happily ever after, my friends.. And for me, i think i've found that girl~ i just hope that this time round, it'll not be a one-sided game again.. And i really~~ hope that she would give me a slightest signal of what she's gotta say 'bout it.. I need that chance.. As for all my friends out there who has been hurt and has given up on love, please, get right back up.. We all need love.. Perhaps that's not meant to be.. What's meant to be is up ahead.. After all, what's meant to be will always find its way..
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Life's Game

Believe it or not, Life is like a game of poker cards. You will never know what exactly the next card which will be distributed to you or even when you choose the card yourself is. On the surface, you will only see the card that you hold which is the same as the rest of the cards out there. But, on the inside, lies your destiny. The card might be an ace that represent the biggest number that helps you win it all or even smaller number of whatsoever suits the card belongs to that will resulted you in losing the game. Life's game is just like that. When you see a problems or changes, what will you do? Some will draw a cards like the way in poker to try their luck and challenge their destiny, while some others will avoid it.

Spades, Hearts, Clubs and Diamonds. These are the four suits of cards that decides one destiny in poker card game. Life is full of choices, whatever choices you made, whatever outcomes you will receive. And depending on the choices one has made, the destiny of one is shaped. No one knows what the next card is and similarly no one knows what exactly will happen the next second of one's life. Whatever things that you are facing now, when it comes to make decisions, it'll take a lot of considerations and courage to realize it. One wrong move and you may lose the game. Will you draw the new card? will you take chances when everything seems disastrous? What will you do? The next card could be an ace of spade, king of hearts, queen of clubs, or 3 of diamonds. Dramatically, the next move will decide your destiny: win it all or lose it all.
Opportunity is there when problem occurs and it'll only come once. Miss it and that's it. The biggest challenge now is will you take the risks? What if the next card is the wrong card? but what if it is the card that you needed the most? As much as life is like a game of poker cards, It's unfortunate that one can never start a new game like the poker cards game where just by shuffling the cards and one can start over. We live our life only once. One wrong move and 'aha, congratulation, you have just wasted your lifeline.' You will have to bear the consequences of whatever mistakes you've done. One might have been given a second chance but it will then be a completely different scenario.
Note that one can never satisfy everyone and life is just too short and too precious to worry about everything. If one were to make a move when the outcome is somewhat perfect, one will never be able to make that move. Nothing is perfect, that's still the rule. Whatever that card is, just give it a shot; just do what you think is right. At least you have tried before you die. It's way much better than die without trying, ain't it?
P.S. Whatever choices you all have made in your life, i sincerely hope that it is the right choice just like this perfect spade suits in poker card game; even if it didn't, i hope that y'all will not regret the choices that had been made.

Thursday, February 17, 2011
It's NOW or NEVER.. DO or DIE..

Have u ever been in a situation where the only way left for u to resolve it is to keep pushing forward and there's just no turning back?
Have u ever been in a situation where u don't have a choice? all u can do is to do it or u'll lose it or even worse..
Have u ever been in a situation where u simply wishes for something and yet u didn't even take the first step to accomplish it?
It's now or never.. we live in this world only once.. why waste ur time sitting around, doing nothing when u can start to take ur first step to live ur dreams of whatever it is ?

It's do or die.. when do is ur only surviving option, u just have to do it.. It's better to do and die with honor rather than wait and die without even trying, isn't it?
Lots of us, dream something.. and whatever it is, all that we can think of is how it's impossible and it only exists in fantasy.. perhaps, it's true,, but why not take a step to live it? however impossible it seems, if we try and put some efforts in it, i believe it'll result in something.. U may not achieve ur dream but i am sure u are one step closer to it..
Live life without regrets, my friend..
That's the happiest life that one can achieve..
P.S. I am going to start taking a first step to live my dream.. Let us strive for it.. A lil' bit progress to live ur dream is better than nothing and let it be a dying dreams, ain't it?

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