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Monday, January 16, 2012

Pasar Malam

15 - 01 - 2012

Dear Blog,

As usual, nothing much today, woke up at almost mid-day, had brunch and wasting time by slacking off, it's Sunday after all. :p

Had a dinner at one of the old restaurant, panjang. The food there is still consider good among all others. To my surprise, met my basketball coach there, he has not changed, not even a bit. =D Straight after the dinner, we went for a walk at the night market that is set-up specially for the Chinese New Year event. I guess things didn't change much, it was the same as last year and previous. Well, it's better than nothing I suppose. Chinese new year is around the corner, it's exactly 8 days from now but I don't feel a thing. Weird eh?

In all sincerity,

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