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Thursday, January 12, 2012

Random Day

12 - 01 - 2012

Dear Blog,

I'm still at SG today, well, the plan was to go back to my dearest hometown today. Guess plan falls out all the time. Tomorrow is the day. :)

Nothing much today, rest pretty well, I guess, went for buying some stuffs in the evening. Had an unexpected meeting with my dear girl, like always, we talked and I walked her home. :) And had a evening stroll again. Funny how strolling calm my soul.

Played a lil' ball game at night, it also came so randomly.

Guess that's for today.

'Let your inner ego shine, build it up along the days and be confidence, Kelvin. You cannot remain kid forever, grow up. If it doesn't kill you, live it and be stronger.'

In all sincerity,

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